A diminutive arrangement of yellow roses, greens and lemons is perfect when displayed in a white square vase for an entry table, a serving area or guest bathroom.
Bouquet Box founder and lifestyles expert Courtney Sixx is all about rethinking uses for some of her favorite “ingredients.”
Like lemons and limes, for instance. While squeezed into a dish or mixed drink they add just the right amount of tang, but left intact they can also enliven a floral color palette as a decorating detail that transforms an arrangement into a masterwork centerpiece.
The shapes and sizes of fruits and vegetables are fun to consider too—many are readily available and budget-friendly. Think lemons and limes, of course, as well as oranges, mandarins, grapefruits, apples, mini pineapples, artichokes and more.
Bouquet Box is a team of lifestyle experts with a mix of passions for flowers and DIY.
Our founder, Courtney Sixx, is Hollywood’s leading DIY expert. She has been a contributing editor for Martha Stewart Living, host of her own iHeartRadio show and a lifestyle contributor on popular apps, television talk shows and magazines including Glamour and Elle. A native of Los Angeles, Courtney had successful careers both in modeling and film production but returned to her greatest passion, DIY, more than 10 years ago.
Since then Courtney has been dreaming up and executing beautiful and innovative projects all across Hollywood and beyond.
Courtney’s love for floral arranging and working with flowers for so many of her projects was the impetus for the creation of Bouquet Box.